Qalandar Zaat Part 5 Last Episode 40 by Amjad Javed is a Socio Cultural, Action Adventure epic Novel on the Transformation of a man from one type of Qalandar (Caste) to second type of Qalandar (Sufi Title). The Qalandar Caste belonged to the Sufi order of the Qalandariyah Faqirs, who took the profession of Bear-Dog Fighting OR leading bears, monkeys, goats and dogs or other performing animals and wandering with them, announcing their presence with an hour glass shaped small drum called a DAMRU. These Qalandars mastered the art of Capturing Wild Animals, Breaking and Taming Them to perform certain acts, on their commands. The Qalander (Sufi Title) is given to a wandering Sufi Darvesh (Saint) who is at a very high level of spirituality. They are different from other saints and they have a very strong feelings of love in them. Qalandars, amongst the saints, are those persons who may enjoy freedom from the ties and bounds of Time and Space. Qalandars have always spread the message of love and humanity. Jamal the lead character of this Novel was a Caste Qalandar, who learned the Art of Breaking Arrogant Stubborn People, Bending Them to his will and breaking them at all if necessary. He was a hiredgun and professional hitman, who strongly believe in violence and might is right. How this man with the passage of time, transformed into other Qalandar who is all love and peace, is the topic of this Novel, which is being published in Monthly Naye Ufaq Urdu Digest.