Ik Diya Jalaye Rakhna by Maha Malik (Social Reformal Epic Novel, Rumani Islahi Urdu Novel)

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Kitab Ghar Famous Urdu Novels Collection, PDF Books publishing

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Ik Dia Jalae Rakhna is another Social Reformal Novel by Todays very popular female writer Maha Malik. Its a very long novel showing many colours and darkness of life, reflecting different behaviours of life like characters who love, hate, get jealous, cheat, tease and sacrifice for others. Those who give to others and those who take it from others. This novel is basically a large canvas portraying many aspects of life, many colours of people nature, teaching readers many moral lessons and conveying many positive messages. The novel is huge with over 600 pages so we are publishing it in two parts for easy and convenient reading

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Ik Dia Jalae Rakhna is another Social Reformal Novel by Todays very popular female writer Maha Malik. Its a very long novel showing many colours and darkness of life, reflecting different behaviours of life like characters who love, hate, get jealous, cheat, tease and sacrifice for others. Those who give to others and those who take it from others. This novel is basically a large canvas portraying many aspects of life, many colours of people nature, teaching readers many moral lessons and conveying many positive messages. The novel is huge with over 600 pages so we are publishing it in two parts for easy and convenient reading. We hope Maha Malik fans will love this story as much as they liked her other 3 stories provided on kitaabghar.com

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