Or Hasar TooT Gaya (Novels on Patriotism, Spy Thrillers, Action, Freedom Fighters, Watan Parasti and more)

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A master at work. Tariq Ismail Sagar's tales of espionage are second to none. He is Tom Clancy, Robert Ludlum & Alistair Maclean - all three in one. The reason why he is the best on this side of the subcontinent where it comes to spy thrillers is that he knows what he's talking about. His book was published more than 30 times due to popular demand.
Tariq Ismail Sagar's knowledge of intelligence agencies is second to none. Numerous writers inspired by Sagar's work have tried to write about these intelligence agencies (often copying Sagar's work word for word), however, Sagar's books are the only books that have successfully withstood both public and government scrutiny. One of his previous efforts, 'RAW', still a topseller in Pakistan has been translated into English and is only the second comprehensive book ever written about the infamous RAW (the first was written in the 70s). Meeting an ex-RAW agent in London prompted Tariq Ismail Sagar, an extremely popular fiction writer, to write about India's foremost Intelligence Agency.
The information and accounts of RAW presented in that book are hard to believe and at first the author too was skeptical but when the agent provided the author with irrefutable proof, Tariq Ismail Sagar knew that he had to inform his readers about the workings of RAW

Or Hasaar TooT Gaya is a novel based on the Afghan Jehad against Russian Military invasion on Afghanistan by Tariq Ismail Sagar. The story is written in the background of efforts and gorilla war against Russian Red Army, KGB and Afghan Army and Agencies. The story also covers the brief role of Pakistani Agency ISI in the planning, training and support of Afghan Militants (Mujahideen) under official approval and support of American CIA. Its a beautiful novel explaining all the methods and dirty tricks of Russian Think Tanks how to brain wash the innocent young generation of Muslims Countries and try to repel them from Islam and their easteran moral values. This novel is a must read for our youngsters to see the real faces of our self-proclaimed across-border friends.

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